
Hello, this blog is to provide educators with resources that may assist them reach today's goal of the integration of technology in their classroom. But how technology savvy are the teachers? Are they comfortable enough to adapt this change and challenge the students? Collaboration amongst students is a major part of a successful classroom. What can we do to achieve this?

Saturday, April 10, 2010

What is Technology Integration?

We hear technology integration everywhere and everyday, but...what is technology integration? Is typing an essay considered technology integration? Think of how the STUDENT is using the technology. Is there any collaboration going on?
Give me some of your thoughts about Technology Integration...


  1. Best use of technology integration I saw were the webquests. I loved that these are not just about surfing but actually looking for answers and thinking about what is found. The other great thing is they can be taylored for any age group! I have a friend who is a second grade teacher that uses these all the time and she loves doing them with her students.

  2. Well, I think technology integration is important in today’s classrooms. I don’t think that one can truly define what being technology integrated is. Taken at face value technology integration in education is the thought of submerging a class into technology, which sounds a lot like distance learning through some type of technical device to me. Though online classrooms are technology integrated per say, I don’t believe that this is truly what it means. I think technology integration means having used, explored, and exhausted all resources of a technical nature in education, bringing the classroom into the 21st century. After all when a child or person leaves the classroom they are usually technology integrated at home, with smart phones, game consoles, and broadband Internet.

  3. There are many ways to integrate technology in education. When I think of technology integration, I think of three forms: students, teachers, and administrators. An example of integrating technology is for students to present a report of a president using Photo Story 3. An example of a teacher integrating technology is providing a webquest for G/T students. An example of an adminstrator using integrated technology is providing a PowerPoint presentation at a faculty meeting. Technology integration is easy and takes the lesson to a higher level of learning.
